Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Marcus Garvey

Destinee Williams
October 20, 13

Marcus Garvey Mini Bio Questions

1. Marcus Garvey influenced Malcom X, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandella.
2. Some of the ideals of the U.N.I.A. were about black self-determination.  It was important to get blacks to take pride in ones race.
3. The Black Star Line was a shipping company that he planned to use to transport passengers back to Africa.
4. Garvey would support white supremacist’s who wanted Blacks to return to Africa because he wanted to help blacks get on their feet and build their own individuality.

Harlem 1900-1940
6. “Capital of the Negro World” a.k.a. Harlem, some of the major similarities between the Harlem and “Black Wall Street” were that blacks hustled and did all they could to rebuild themselves. It was a striving black community.

7. The Negro World was a weekly newspaper that was the voice for UNIA. The Garvey Movement/UNIA were similar to the NAACP because they were both political movements for the rights of Africans.  “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.” If one does not have certainty in themselves no one else will see it in them either. “With confidence, you have won before you have started.” With confidence you are giving yourself a chance, which is half the battle therefore, you’ve already won. Without confidence you are giving yourself no chance, therefore you have failed.

8. The role of children in the march was take stand for themselves. Their banners read "Mother, do lynchers go to heaven?" "Mr. President, why not make America safe for democracy?" Children would want to be involved in the protest because they were just as affected as adults.

9. Similarities between Jack Johnson and Muhammed Ali were that they were both very legendary in boxing. The article says the “great white hope” was to take the title away from him.  After boxing Johnson opened his own supper club “Club Deluxe” in Harlem.

10. The New York Black Yankee’s played from 1936-1948. The team founded in Harlem. The team seemed to handle their hectic schedule by punishing. Although Bill “Bojangles” Robinson was a financier of the team he was best known for a tap dancer and an actor in films.

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